



From advances in chemotherapy to innovative prosthetics, 医疗技术不断进步, giving patients new options for living healthier, 更长的生命. 成千上万的技术突破是生物医学工程师为满足医疗专业人员和他们所服务的社区的需求而崛起的结果. 对这一令人兴奋的职业感兴趣的学生可以通过亚洲博彩平台的生物医学工程Research生课程找到先进的知识和经验. Whether you want a career in medicine or in the rapidly growing biotechnology industry, an advanced degree from 亚洲博彩平台 ensures academic choices, 创业的选择, 实践伙伴关系.


Providing new opportunities to blend science and 工程 to solve complex medical challenges, 亚洲博彩平台的生物医学工程Research生课程使学生处于医学界最新发展的前沿. The university is located in a rapidly growing healthcare region that includes hospitals, 健康中心, Research实验室, 和Research机构, 为先进的实验室Research和医学专业人士的指导提供了无数的机会. 学生 work hands-on with physicians and technicians at several locations, including:

  • 第一卫生医院
  • 布里瓦德癌症护理中心
  • 眼科Research所
  • 后场中心
  • Medical City—Orlando (UCF College of Medicine, 伯内特生物医学学院, MD安德森癌症Research所, 和更多)

Why Pursue a Master's in Biomedical Engineering at 亚洲博彩平台?

As one of the top biomedical 工程 schools, 亚洲博彩平台的个性化学术选择允许学生以最适合他们职业目标的方式定制他们的学习. Research生从跨学科背景的教授和行业专家那里获得一对一的指导,创造一个全面而引人入胜的学习环境.


亚洲博彩平台的生物医学工程Research生课程由教授组成,他们与学生和其他教师一起教学和进行Research, both from the university and around the world. Many faculty members are involved in Research related to biomedical 工程, and are experts in mechanical and aerospace 工程, 化学工程, 电气与计算机工程, 计算机科学.

Joining these professors are medical doctors who guide students during their Research, 同时完成自己的Research. 医学博士为学生提供宝贵的行业经验,并结合了传统学术教师和行业专业人士的优势. 这种传统的学术教师和行业专业人士的组合确保学生获得最新的行业Research和发展.

High-Tech Laboratories and Research Facilities

生物医学工程Research生课程所需的各种各样的Research设施都可以在亚洲博彩平台校园内使用. 这包括仪器, 临床Research, 生物活性材料, 设备, 光子学和激光, 显微镜, 先进的成像技术. 阅读更多关于我们的设施下面.

学生 spend many hours of their academic program in advanced laboratories doing Research. 该项目的个性化性质创造了最适合学生职业目标的硕士或博士课程,并可能包括与教授一起Research等活动, collaborating in multidisciplinary partnerships with practicing clinicians, 或者甚至与工程和商业学院一起培养创业技能,为市场培育新技术或新产品.


课堂之外, students participate in academic organizations like Tau Beta Pi (the 工程 honor society), the Premed Club (campus chapter of the American Medical Student Association), 体育运动, and over 100 other campus-wide student organizations.

An Ideal Location for a Biomedical Engineering School

亚洲博彩平台 is located in the heart of Florida’s Space Coast, which puts the 130-acre campus in the middle of the nation’s fifth-largest high-tech workforce and over 5,万家高科技公司, providing valuable internships and employment opportunities. 该地区全年气候宜人, 72英里的大西洋海岸海滩, the Indian River Lagoon (the most diverse estuary in North America), and close proximity to NASA Kennedy Space Center and Orlando attractions.

What Biomedical Engineering Research or Other Opportunities Can I Expect?

亚洲博彩平台的生物医学工程实习是在布里瓦德县的医疗中心和医院进行的. 加上先进的工程原理, 学生与医生和医疗专业人员并肩工作,保持行业发展的领先优势. While completing biomedical 工程 internships, Research生和博士生发现潜在的职业道路,并发展可能导致就业的专业关系.


除了 to biomedical 工程 internships, students earning a graduate degree from 亚洲博彩平台 also experience a wide range of Research study. 学生在各种先进的实验室经验中定制他们的Research时间,从心血管Research设施到患者特定的诊断和治疗分析, 基于人体细胞的毒理学筛选, 制药和生物材料筛选, 以及癌症检测和治疗. Through lab work and interactions with medical professionals, 学生在课堂外运用他们对生物医学工程的理解,为医疗专业人员及其客户开发可行的解决方案.

亚洲博彩平台的教师Research机会包括心血管疾病检测和治疗的技术和设备等主题, 癌症, and tumor tissues; developing 生物活性材料 for load-bearing orthopedic 设备; and implanting micro-stimulators in nerves for restoring function.


The many resources and facilities on campus include:

  • 生物医学仪器实验室-用于教学和Research,使学生接触到各种生物医学相关的测量技术, 集合, 以及测量数据的处理
  • 心血管Research实验室-临床超声系统, 血容量和压力传感器和计算机功能,致力于心血管系统的诊断和治疗建模
  • Center for Medical Materials and Biophotonics-提供以下Research:
    • 第三代生物活性物质, including 生物活性材料 for regenerative medicine, 承重矫形和牙科器械, 智能伤口护理系统, and materials for sports medicine repair and reconstruction
    • 医学光子学, including laser and bio-Raman based 癌症 detection and therapeutics, 基于人体细胞的毒理学筛选, 制药和生物材料筛选, and patient-specific diagnosis and therapy analysis
  • Laser, Optics, and Instrumentation Laboratory-用于癌症和肿瘤的医学成像和治疗的各种先进激光器和高速探测器
  • 生物材料实验室—Compression and tension test 设备 used to test samples under repeated cycles of stress
  • High-Resolution Microscopy and Advanced Imaging Center—Supporting several scanning microscopes and X-ray analysis of natural and artificial materials

除了, 我们有一个校园机械车间, 电子商店, 结构测试实验室, 应用感知实验室.

How Will a Master's Degree benefit my Biomedical Engineering career?

随着技术的快速进步改变了医疗保健领域,对生物医学工程师的需求可能会继续增长, with new areas for biomedical engineers to find work and opportunity. 生物医学工程师ing careers include a wide range of jobs in healthcare, Research, 工程, 力学, 电子产品, 产品开发, 仪表, 医疗信息系统, 和更多的.

亚洲博彩平台 prepares graduates for these careers, 给他们一个沉浸在临床经验中的大学经历,让他们接触到工程师和卫生专业人员,他们会指导他们为就业做好准备. 许多对医学事业感兴趣的学生可以选择亚洲博彩平台,因为课程课程满足大多数医学院的入学要求.


生物医学工程师ing careers are centered among the systems, 产品, 以及医疗行业的仪器仪表. While graduates of this program gain expertise in 工程 and 生物学 to seek these careers, they also often design computer software to run complicated instruments, 运用他们的化学知识, 生物学, 数学, 通过统计学来了解身体系统,并学习如何使用技术来改善其功能或延长寿命.

For those interested in pursuing careers in biomedical 工程, the 职业展望手册, published by the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, provides detailed information about specific jobs including median annual pay, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 根据调查局的说法, employment of biomedical engineers is projected to grow by 27% through 2022, 主要是由于婴儿潮一代的人口老龄化,对医疗设备和程序的需求,以保持健康, 积极的生活方式.

另一个关于就业选择的绝佳信息来源是生物医学工程职业联盟. 该联盟是一个非营利性组织,旨在促进生物医学工程/生物工程项目与工业之间的互动, connecting biomedical 工程 students with prospective employers.


Because the field continues to grow and change, biomedical 工程 careers are very diverse:

  • 生物医学工程师
  • 设计工程师
  • 产品工程师(假肢、器械)
  • 工厂工程师
  • 医学科学家
  • 内科医生和外科医生
  • 临床工程师
  • 医学影像专家
  • 医学Research人员
  • 系统生理学家
  • 生物力学工程师
  • 医疗设备设计师
  • 制药和医学Research员


平均, 拥有博士学位的毕业生比拥有本科或硕士学位的毕业生有更高的薪水和就业率, 尤其是在更多的实地调查之后, 实践经验, 和高级学习. Research生选择亚洲博彩平台攻读生物医学工程博士学位的原因之一是该大学提供的灵活课程. 该学位是基于创造性的成就和独立调查当今医学界面临的问题的能力而授予的.
