
的经验, 人才, and wisdom you have gained in your life can be your greatest gift to the university! We invite you to consider volunteering to participate on an 咨询委员会给予,给予 虚拟课堂 给校友和学生, or coaching current/future Florida Tech students through their college decision-making process, 专业选择, 高级项目, 求职方面.


  • Add unique and lasting value to students' Florida Tech experience
  • Help the university attract, engage, and enroll high-performing students
  • Increase the reach and impact of Florida Tech's regional and affiliation networks
  • 支持黑豹成员的专业发展

如果你准备好了, 请让我们知道 你现在对志愿活动感兴趣了.

志愿者注册 提交演讲计划书



We are grateful for the leaders of our various college and university 咨询委员会s, and YOUR insights can be incredibly helpful to our leadership.

Alumni Lectures

你是你所在领域的专家或领导者吗? Are you interested in partnering with the Alumni Association to provide a 虚拟课堂 for your fellow alumni and current Florida Tech students? 如果是这样,我们想听听你的意见!



The programs below introduce alumni/parents/friends to students for individualized and targeted coaching.


Florida Institute of Technology alumni are outstanding achievers who lead lives of passion and purpose. We are proud of their many accomplishments and the ways their contributions make a positive impact on the world. 亚洲博彩平台 职业名人堂 突出了一些最耀眼的星星. Most of the 职业名人堂 inductees are willing and eager to provide career advice and support for the Florida Tech students and young alumni coming after them.


Experience the fun of working with groups of students who have the same meaningful capstone learning experience you may have had.

Capstone Coaches assist individuals and teams of students as they work on their student design projects (engineering) and other capstone projects. The commitment involves approximately 5-7 sessions with the students(s) to help them brainstorm, 克服障碍, develop business plans and hone their presentation skills.

Eligible volunteers have been project leaders in their companies or have specialized skills that are particularly relevant to the projects they are paired to support.


You’ve learned what employers look for when they interview candidates... more importantly, you know what YOU look for in candidates. Now you have a chance to share that wisdom with Florida Tech students to help them secure their first jobs after graduation.

Every summer, we pair alumni and friends with students to conduct mock interviews. The mock interviews are practice sessions and a chance to go over resume and cover letter writing. We strive to pair students and alumni living within ~30 miles of each other to allow them to meet in person; however, 面试也可以通过视频会议进行. We try to match students and alums as closely as possible by field of expertise.

Eligible volunteers are those who currently interview candidates for job openings in their companies, 或者过去这样做过.


Prospective Student Visits pair accepted Florida Tech admissions candidates with an alum or parent of a current student who lives nearby. Some invite the student and their families to their houses for coffee or meet them at a restaurant to chat over a meal. The goal is to make the student feel welcomed into the Florida Tech community and to let them know we are excited by their interest and success in the application process.

An alum reaching out says a great deal about Florida Tech, and while you may not know what life on campus is like today, you do know what the school and its programs did for you-- and you can share what makes Florida Tech special to you! It's always encouraging to prospective students and families when they experience a growing and strong network of alumni ready to greet them when they complete their degrees and enter the workforce.

Parents of current students can also visit with prospective students. They have current experience with what it's like to have a child attend Florida Tech and are able to share useful insight and tips with other parents. 

Eligible volunteers are any alums or parents who have a passion for Florida Tech. Let us know if you would like to be available for prospective student visits and help recruit stellar students to the university!


A regional representative for Florida Tech helps by being a point of contact for a city, 状态, 或国家. 区域代表 spearhead local alumni events in their area, either hosting or finding a good spot for alumni to gather under the Florida Tech banner.

区域代表 also spread the word and excite their area graduates to give on Day of Giving. 

任何校友都被邀请成为捐赠日大使. Day of Giving Ambassadors share their own personalized link as they encourage individuals or groups through their social media to be part of this important day for philanthropy.
